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Digital Marketing

Crafting digital success stories with SEO, SEM, social media and email marketing.

Digital Marketing

Our team specialises in a wide range of online marketing services, all aimed at effectively promoting and connecting your brand with its ideal audience.

With a focus on metric-driven results and tailored strategies, we can help you with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), email marketing, and social media.

Whether you’re seeking comprehensive consulting or support for specific campaigns, we’re here to ensure your brand remains a step ahead.

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If you’re a business owner looking to outperform competitors in online search results, then embracing search engine optimization (SEO) is key.

Our team can audit your current website and online reputation with advanced analytics tools, pinpointing areas for growth and improvement.

We specialize in on-page SEO, tweaking elements like URLs, content categorization, tags, metadata and images to make them SEO- and user-friendly.

To improve your online visibility, and boost organic traffic and conversions, we work closely with you to ensure your content targets the right keywords and is structured in a way that appeals to both search engines and your audience.

We also configure and optimize essential tools such as Google Analytics, and Search Console, and assist you in setting up or enhancing your Google Business profile for maximum visibility.


Navigating the vast ocean of online advertising can be daunting, but that’s where we come in, ready to be your guiding compass.

If you already run online ads, we start with an audit. We take a deep dive into your campaigns, pinpointing what’s working and spotting areas that could use a little polishing.

For those just starting on their SEM journey, we craft a tailored online advertising strategy that aligns with your business goals, ensuring you’re not just throwing money into the void, but connecting with the people who matter most to your brand.

You can safely leave the complexities of ad campaign setup and management to us. Specializing in Google and Meta ads, we got you covered all the way from initial configuration to the fine-tuning nuances.

As we believe in the power of a highly targeted approach, we also develop specific landing pages for your ad campaigns that turn each click into an actual conversion.

Social Media

You’ve probably heard it countless times, but the importance of social media for any brand cannot be emphasized enough.

Our team can assist you in successfully launching your business on social channels, or in managing its existing profiles across LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

We collaborate closely with you to grasp your brand’s philosophy and image. From there, we develop strategies to help your business stand out, ensuring it gains increased visibility and attracts new clients.

Our services cover content optimization and design, all aimed at boosting engagement on your social accounts.

Additionally, we streamline the integration of your online store with Facebook and Instagram, providing a seamless digital experience.

Email marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools to maintain connections with your customers and leads, as well as to expand the reach of your content.

We can create a tailor-made email marketing strategy for your business, handle email campaigns, provide template designs, and manage contact lists with accurate segmentation.

If you choose to manage email marketing campaigns in-house, we also offer guidance on utilizing the top email marketing platforms.

Frequently asked questions

Tangential SEO FAQ2023-10-01T12:08:17+00:00

What is tangential SEO?

Tangential SEO involves creating and optimizing content that is indirectly related to a website’s niche or core focus. It targets related topics, themes, or industries to attract a wider audience, increase brand visibility, and drive more organic traffic.

What is an example of how tangential SEO works in practice?

An online pet store might create content about pet-friendly travel, a fashion blogger could write about sustainable fashion, and a fitness website might publish articles about healthy eating. These topics may not be their main focus, but they attract wider audiences that could be interested in their core offerings.

What are the advantages of tangential SEO?

Advantages of tangential SEO include increased organic traffic, enhanced brand visibility, opportunity for new backlinks, improved authority and reputation, and the ability to diversify content.

Are there any disadvantages of tangential SEO?

Yes, potential disadvantages include the risk of diluting your core brand message, increased competition for related keywords, the need for more resources, and the risk of lower conversion rates due to a broader, but not necessarily interested audience.

When is it beneficial to use tangential SEO tactics?

It can be advantageous when your niche is highly competitive, when you’re looking to diversify revenue streams, or when creating seasonal or temporary content that aligns with popular trends.

How do I measure the effectiveness of tangential SEO?

Key metrics include changes in organic traffic, performance of core and tangential keywords, user engagement metrics like time spent on page, bounce rate, social shares, and how tangential SEO efforts contribute to conversion rates.

How do I implement tangential SEO in my content strategy?

Implementing tangential SEO involves identifying tangential topics that align with your core business, conducting thorough keyword research, creating high-quality content, promoting collaborations with influencers or related websites, continuous monitoring and analyzing of performance, planning for the long term, and ensuring even tangential content reflects your brand values.

What’s the primary aim of implementing tangential SEO?

The primary aim is to attract a wider audience, increase brand visibility, and drive more organic traffic to a website by creating content that’s indirectly related to a site’s main focus.

Could tangential SEO negatively impact my website’s performance?

If not managed properly, it might attract less qualified leads, leading to lower conversion rates.

Is tangential SEO a replacement for my core content strategy?

No, tangential SEO should complement and enhance your core content strategy, not replace or overshadow it. It should provide additional value to your audience without diluting your brand or message.

Using SEO and SEM together FAQ2023-10-01T12:07:07+00:00

What are the basic differences between SEO and SEM?

SEO focuses on organic growth through optimizing website content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEM involves paid advertising for immediate visibility on search engines. SEO aims for long-term results, while SEM is good for quick, targeted visibility.

How do SEO and SEM complement each other?

SEO lays the groundwork for long-term growth and builds credibility. SEM provides immediate visibility and targeted traffic. When used together, they help maximize your online presence and achieve optimal results.

Can keyword research benefit both SEO and SEM?

Absolutely. SEM can quickly identify which keywords lead to conversions, and this data can be used to fine-tune your SEO strategy. Conversely, SEO can uncover long-tail keywords and emerging trends that can be used for creating timely SEM campaigns.

Is it possible to optimize visibility using both SEO and SEM?

Yes, SEM can provide immediate visibility on the search engine results page, while SEO works to build long-term visibility. By using both, you cover all bases for maximum exposure online.

Can I use the same landing page for both SEO and SEM?

Yes, if a landing page is performing well in SEM, it’s likely to perform well organically and vice versa. The insights from one can be used to optimize the other, thereby creating a win-win situation.

How does mixing SEO and SEM help your copywriting?

Combining insights from SEO and SEM can significantly improve your copywriting for both strategies. For example, if certain meta titles and descriptions are effective in organic search results, you can apply this successful wording to your SEM ads. Conversely, if an ad copy performs well in SEM, you can use these phrases to update your meta descriptions and titles for SEO. This integrated approach allows you to fine-tune your messaging across both channels, maximizing click-through rates and engagement.

What is retargeting and how does it relate to SEO and SEM?

Retargeting is an SEM feature that allows you to show ads to users who have previously visited your site but did not convert. SEO data about how these users interacted with your site can be used to create more effective retargeting ads.

How should I allocate my budget between SEO and SEM?

This depends on your specific needs. If immediate visibility for specific keywords is crucial, investing more in SEM might be beneficial. For long-term growth, SEO could be a smarter investment. Using insights from both can help you make more informed budgeting decisions.

What tools can I use for analytics in SEO and SEM?

Google Ads is commonly used for SEM analytics, while Google Search Console is used for SEO. Both provide invaluable insights that can help refine your strategies across platforms.

How do I know if combining SEO and SEM is working for me?

Consistent monitoring and analysis of metrics like traffic, conversion rates, and ROI will provide insights into the effectiveness of your combined strategy. The key is to look for growth in both immediate (SEM) and long-term (SEO) metrics.

SEO checklist for new businesses FAQ2023-10-01T12:08:43+00:00

Why is SEO important for new businesses?

SEO is crucial for new businesses because it helps improve website visibility, attract organic traffic, and ultimately bring in more customers. Without a solid SEO strategy, new businesses may go unnoticed in search engine results.

How does SEO benefit new businesses?

SEO provides a cost-effective way for new businesses to compete with more established ones. It allows them to attract targeted organic traffic and gain insights into their target audience’s behavior, demographics, and preferences. Focusing on SEO from the early stages can also lead to long-term benefits as the website gains visibility and authority.

What are the initial steps for implementing SEO for a new business?

The initial steps for implementing SEO for a new business include conducting keyword research, setting up Google Analytics and Search Console, and creating a Google Business account.

How do I choose the right keywords for my new business?

To choose the right keywords, you can use tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, and Ahrefs to identify relevant keywords with suitable search volume and competition. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your website’s content.

How can I optimize my website’s on-page elements?

To optimize on-page elements, focus on optimizing meta descriptions and title tags by making them compelling and including relevant keywords. Create high-quality, SEO-friendly content that answers users’ questions and incorporates targeted keywords naturally. Pay attention to website architecture and proper use of heading tags.

How important are backlinks for SEO?

Backlinks are essential for improving website authority and visibility. Building high-quality backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites can positively impact your SEO efforts.

How does social media affect SEO for new businesses?

Social media signals, such as likes, shares, and comments, can send positive signals to search engines about your website’s relevance and popularity. Maintaining an active presence on social media platforms related to your business and sharing your website’s content can increase visibility and reach.

What technical aspects should I consider for SEO?

Ensure your website loads quickly and is optimized for mobile devices. Optimize technical aspects like page speed, mobile responsiveness, and user-friendly navigation. Create an XML sitemap and configure the robots.txt file correctly.

How do I track my website’s SEO performance?

You can track your website’s SEO performance using tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, and SEMrush. These tools monitor search rankings and provide insights into organic search traffic.

Is SEO a one-time process?

No, SEO is an ongoing process. Regular monitoring of analytics, adapting to algorithm changes, and refining your strategy are essential for maintaining and improving your website’s SEO performance.

SEO FAQ2023-04-15T09:38:27+00:00

What is SEO, and why is it important for my website?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, and it’s the practice of optimising your website’s content and structure to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Good SEO practices are essential for increasing website traffic, visibility, and credibility.

Which are the four pillars of SEO?

The four pillars of SEO are content, technical aspects, user experience and authority.

How do I optimise my website for search engines?

There are several best practices to optimise your website for search engines, such as using relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, optimising meta tags and descriptions, building high-quality backlinks, and improving website speed and mobile responsiveness.

How often should I update my website’s content for SEO?

There’s no set frequency for updating your website’s content, but it’s essential to keep your website up-to-date and relevant for your target audience. Updating your content regularly can help improve your website’s visibility and search rankings.

How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?

The time it takes to see results from SEO efforts varies depending on several factors, such as the competitiveness of your industry and the quality of your SEO practices. It could take a few weeks to several months to see noticeable results from SEO efforts. However, it’s important to remember that SEO is a long-term strategy, and consistent efforts over time will yield better results.

Is it essential to have a mobile-responsive website for SEO?

Yes, having a mobile-responsive website is essential for SEO because Google considers mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor. A mobile-responsive website ensures that your website is easily accessible and user-friendly on mobile devices.

How do I optimise my website for local search results?

If you have a physical location, you should optimise your website for local search results by including your business address and phone number on your website, creating a Google My Business listing, and getting listed in local directories.

Can I use any keyword I want to rank for in my content?

No, you cannot use any keyword you want to rank for in your content. You should only use keywords that are relevant to your content and target audience. Avoid using irrelevant or spammy keywords that could harm your website’s credibility.

What are backlinks, and why are they important for SEO?

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. They’re essential for SEO because they’re a signal to search engines that your website is credible and authoritative. However, not all backlinks are created equal, so it’s important to focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.

AI search FAQ2023-10-01T10:07:07+00:00

What is AI search?

AI search is a method where artificial intelligence is used to facilitate and enhance the way we search for information, products, and services online.

Are traditional SEO practices still relevant in the age of AI search?

Current AI models, like ChatGPT and Bard, have shown a tendency to suggest established brands with good online reputations.

How can businesses optimize for AI search?

Businesses should focus on conversational content, ensure relevance to user queries, maintain a robust online reputation, and have a strong media presence.

How does conversational content affect AI search results?

In AI-driven platforms, especially voice assistants, conversational content is prioritized because users tend to adopt a more natural language. Content written in a conversational tone tends to rank better.

Why is content relevance to user queries crucial in AI searches?

AI platforms provide more succinct and precise responses. With AI’s answers being concise compared to traditional search engines, content that matches specific user queries is more likely to be recommended.

How does online reputation influence AI search recommendations?

AI gauges the overall standing of a brand in the digital ecosystem. Brands with positive reviews and broad online presence are more likely to be suggested by AI platforms.

Do AI search platforms give preference to established brands?

Yes, if a landing page is performing well in SEM, it’s likely to perform well organically and vice versa. The insights from one can be used to optimize the other, thereby creating a win-win situation.

How does authoritative media presence affect AI search recommendations?

Being featured in trustworthy media platforms adds credibility in the eyes of AI, signaling that a brand holds authority in its domain.

Are AI models replacing traditional search engines?

While AI models are becoming more popular, they are not necessarily replacing traditional search engines but rather complementing and reshaping the search landscape.

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