In Spain there are 24.7 million online shoppers (source: IAB Spain). Their habits and preferences are detrimental for the success of an Ecommerce business. If your company maintains an online store, it is important that you know the latest trends in the sector. We bring you some of the key data from the IAB Spain Ecommerce 2022 study. The sample consisted of 1,096 online buyers between the ages of 16-70, and 214 professionals from the sector. Read on to learn about the Ecommerce trends in 2022.
What motivates online shopping
What most motivates online purchases are convenience, ample choice and promos.
Online advertising loses weight and is in last place among the factors that motivate online shopping.

What people buy the most
Physical products continue to be the most frequent online purchase.
Services (restaurants, stays, hairdresser, internet, travel) come in second place, but decreasing compared to 2021.
Digital products such as software, movies and series, music, applications, online games, come in third place.
Information sources
Although they are down compared to 2021, marketplaces such as Amazon and AliExpress are the most frequent sources of information among Ecommerce buyers.
Google remains in second place while shops’ own websites are the only ones that rise compared to 2021 and occupy third place.
Social networks surprisingly come last and give a lot to think about, considering that brands generally invest a lot in promoting products through their social networks.

What makes the difference between one Ecommerce and another
Buyers choose one Ecommerce over another more than anything for economic reasons.
Offers and promotions are also key choice determinants. Likewise, delivery times, after-sales service, and trust, prove to have a lot of weight in the decision-making process of users.

Ecommerce social networks vs. Users’ social networks
There is a certain discrepancy between the social networks used by Ecommerce businesses and those used by their buyers.
Facebook and Instagram are everyone’s favorite networks, but more users are on YouTube than on Twitter, while Ecommerce bets on Twitter first.
Telegram and TikTok seem to be unexplored fields by Ecommerce, and the relatively low use of TikTok among users is also surprising.

Booming trend: Live shopping
Live shopping is an innovative experience based on the promotion of products through live broadcasts.
This trend has already established itself in China and is gaining ground in Europe. 39% of the interviewed Ecommerce professionals already have or are planning to integrate a live shopping platform.