Web Development Posts

Ecommerce trends 2022

In Spain there are 24.7 million online shoppers (source: IAB Spain). Their habits and preferences are detrimental for the success of an Ecommerce business. If your company maintains an online store, it is important that you know the latest trends in the sector. We bring you some of the key data from the IAB Spain Ecommerce 2022 study. The sample consisted of 1,096 online buyers between the ages of 16-70, and 214 professionals from the sector. Read on to learn about the Ecommerce trends in 2022.

Ecommerce trends 20222024-03-03T14:12:15+00:00

Things to consider for your new website

Developing a new website or redesigning an existing one is a complex process. We've made a list of key things to consider when kicking off the project for your new web, including identifying what's missing on your current website, defining user personas, applying trends and deciding between templates or from scratch.

Things to consider for your new website2024-03-03T14:18:52+00:00
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